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Cabin Crew Safety Training Manual (Doc ) | ICAO Store - Document Information

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Boeing: Flight Training.Flight Crew Training/Techniques Manual (FCTM) | SKYbrary Aviation Safety

  The ICAO Cabin Crew Safety Training Manual (Doc ) provides guidance related to cabin crew training requirements found in Annex 6. The Flight Crew Training Manual (FCTM) is intended to provide information in support of procedures listed in the Flight Crew Operations Manual (FCOM) and. The A Quick Reference Handbook (QRH). This FCTS version refers to technical data described in the FCOM, FCTM, and QRH of the Training Manufacturer Serial.  

Flight crew training manual -


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Sign up for free Here's how. Customer reviews. How are ratings calculated? Resolution Advisory5. Method of Evacuation6. Jammed or Restricted Flight Controls6. Fuel Leak6. Tire Failure during or after Takeoff6. The acronymATS is not widely used and is not contained in the Abbreviations section ofthe manual. Partial or Gear Up Landing6. Landing Risk Factors6.

Wheel Well Fire6. Flight with the Side Window s Open6. Training Objectives. Flap Maneuvering Speeds. Command Speed. Reference Bugs. Bug Setting. Flight Path Vector. Training Flights.

Drag Factors Due to Trim Technique. AFDS Guidelines. Autothrottle Use. Automatic Flight. Head Up Display. Pilot Incapacitation. This provides a basis for standardization. Conditions beyond the controlof the flight crew may preclude following a maneuver exactly. The maneuvers arenot intended to replace good judgment and logic.

Operational PhilosophyThe normal procedures are designed for use by trained flight crewmembers. Theprocedure sequence follows a definitive panel scan pattern. Each crewmember isassigned a flight deck area to initiate action in accordance with Normal andSupplementary Procedures. Non-normal procedural actions and actions outsidethe crewmembers area of responsibility are initiated at the direction of thecaptain. Non-normal checklists are provided to cope with or resolve non-normal situationson the ground or in flight.

Supplementary Procedures are accomplished as required rather than on each flightsector. Events Requiring Maintenance InspectionDuring ground or flight operations, events may occur which require a maintenanceinspection after flight. Additional events, that are not listed in chapter 5 but may require maintenanceinspection, should also be reported. An example of such an event is an overlyaggressive pitch up during a TCAS event or a Terrain Avoidance maneuver thatcould cause structural damage.

If in doubt, the best course of action is to report it. Flight safety, passenger comfort andoperational efficiency are emphasized. Qualification Requirements Checkride Following satisfactory completion of transition training and when recommendedby an authorized instructor, each pilot must satisfactorily demonstrate the abilityto perform maneuvers and procedures prescribed in FAA or other applicablegoverning regulations.

Throughout the prescribed maneuvers, command abilityand good judgment commensurate with a high level of safety must bedemonstrated. In determining whether such judgment has been shown, theevaluator considers adherence to approved procedures, actions based on theanalysis of situations, and care and prudence in selecting the course of action.

EvaluationAn evaluation may be given at the end of simulator training. The content of theevaluation varies with the capabilities of the simulator used and the requirementsof the governing regulatory agency. An evaluation in the airplane may be required if the training has not beenaccomplished under the prescribed requirements of FAA or other applicablegoverning regulations.

Crew Resource ManagementCrew resource management is the application of team management concepts andthe effective use of all available resources to operate a flight safely. In addition tothe aircrew, it includes all other groups routinely working with the aircrew whoare involved in decisions required to operate a flight. These groups include, butare not limited to, airplane dispatchers, flight attendants, maintenance personnel,and air traffic controllers.

Throughout this manual, techniques that help build good CRM habit patterns onthe flight deck are discussed. For example, situational awareness andcommunications are stressed. Situational awareness, or the ability to accuratelyperceive what is going on in the flight deck and outside the airplane, requires ongoing questioning, crosschecking, communication, and refinement of perception. It is important that all flight deck crewmembers identify and communicate anysituation that appears unsafe or out of the ordinary.

Experience has proven that themost effective way to maintain safety of flight and resolve these situations is tocombine the skills and experience of all crewmembers in the decision makingprocess to determine the safest course of action. FOM chapter 3 , and are normallyworn until the top of climb and from the start of descent throughout approach andlanding. During cruise, flight deck speakers may be used. Speaker volume shouldbe kept at the minimum usable level adequate to avoid interference with normalcrew flight deck conversation, but still ensure reception of relevantcommunications.

Maneuver Capability and Flap UsageFor takeoffs, when conditions permit, consider using larger flap settings to provideshorter takeoff distance. Refer to the Typical Takeoff Tail Clearance table, chapter2, to determine minimum tail clearance for different takeoff flap settings.

During maneuvering for an approach, when the situation dictates an earlier thannormal speed reduction, the use of flaps 10 with the gear up is acceptable. For normal landings, use flaps When required, use flaps 40 to minimizelanding speed and landing distance.

Flap Maneuvering SpeedsThe following tables contain flap maneuvering speeds for various flap settings. The flap maneuvering speed is the recommended operating speed during takeoffor landing operations.

These speeds guarantee at least full maneuver capability orat least 40 of bank 25 of bank and 15 overshoot to stick shaker within a fewthousand feet of the airport altitude.

While the flaps may be extended up to 20,feet, less maneuver margin to stick shaker exists for a fixed speed as altitudeincreases. Note: The flap maneuvering speeds should not be confused with the minimum maneuver speed which is displayed as the top of the lower amber band on the airspeed display.

Minimum Maneuvering SpeedThe top of the lower amber band on the airspeed display indicates the minimummaneuver speed. The functionality of the lower amber band is slightly differentfor flaps-down versus flaps-up operations.

Flaps Down Amber BandFor all flaps-down operations any time the flaps are not full-up the minimummaneuver speed is the slowest speed that provides full maneuver capability, 1. The topof the amber band does not vary with g load.

As airspeed is decreased below the top of the amber band, maneuver capabilitydecreases. In 1 g flight, the speed in the middle of the amber band providesadequate maneuver capability or 30 of bank 15 angle of bank and 15overshoot. The bottom of the amber band top of the red and black tape corresponds to stick shaker onset for the current g load.

If the g load is increasedby maneuvering, the stick shaker onset speed increases. Bottom Stick shaker activation. Stick shaker is set prior to actual stall. There is sufficient margin to recover from stick shaker without stalling. The minimum maneuver speed should not be confused with the flap maneuveringspeeds.

The flap maneuvering speeds are computed based on airplane weight,while the minimum maneuver speed is computed using airplane angle of attackand current airspeed. These two speeds provide independent means to ensure thatthe current airspeed provides at least full maneuver capability for terminal-areamaneuvering.

Note: The flap maneuvering speeds for the current flap detent should always be equal to or faster than the minimum maneuver speed. Flaps Up Amber BandFor altitudes up to approximately 10, feet, the flaps-up amber band functionsjust like the flaps-down amber band described above, with the top of the amberband representing full maneuver capability. Due to increasing Mach effectsbetween 10, and 20, feet, the maneuver capability at the top of the amberband speed decreases as altitude increases, but still provides at least adequatemaneuver capability.

Above approximately 20, feet, the top of the amber bandshows the speed that provides the operator-selected margin to initial buffet. Maneuver Margins to Stick ShakerThe following figures are representative illustrations of airplane maneuver marginor bank capability to stick shaker as a function of airspeed. This includes both aflap extension and flap retraction scenario. When reviewing the maneuver margin illustrations, note that: there is a direct correlation between bank angle and load factor G's in.

For example, 1. In level flight they provide a relatively constant pitch attitude and require little change in thrust at different flap settings. The distance between the bold line representing the flap extension or retractionschedule and a given bank angle represents the maneuver margin to stick shakerat the given bank angle for level constant speed flight. Where the flap extensionor retraction schedule extends below a depicted bank angle, stick shaker activationcan be expected prior to reaching that bank angle.

Conditions Effecting Maneuver MarginsFor a fixed weight and altitude, maneuver margin to stick shaker increases whenairspeed increases. Other factors may or may not affect maneuver margin: Gross weight: generally maneuver margin decreases as gross weight.

The base speed V2 or VREF increases with increasing weight, so the fixed speed additive is a smaller percent increase for heavier weights.

This results in less maneuver capability. Landing gear: a small decrease in maneuver margin may occur when the landing gear is extended. This loss is equivalent to 2 knots of airspeed or less. Engine failure during flap retraction: a small decrease in maneuver margin occurs due to the reduced lift experienced with the loss of thrust. The loss is equivalent to 4 knots of airspeed or less.

Anti-ice: the use of engine or wing anti-ice reduces the flaps-up and flaps-down maneuver margin. If only the engine anti-ice is used, the effect goes away when the engine anti-ice is turned off. If the wing anti-ice is used, the effect remains until the airplane lands. Takeoff Flap Retraction Speed ScheduleDuring flap retraction, selection of the next flap position is initiated when reachingthe maneuver speed for the existing flap position.

Therefore, when the new flapposition is selected, the airspeed is below the maneuvering speed for that flapposition. For this reason, the airspeed should be increasing when selecting the nextflap position.

During flap retraction, at least adequate maneuver capability or 30of bank 15 angle of bank and 15 overshoot to stick shaker is provided at theflap retraction speed. Full maneuvering capability or at least 40 of bank 25 ofbank and 15 overshoot is provided when the airplane has accelerated to therecommended maneuver speed for the selected flap position. The maneuver speed for the existing flap position is indicated by the numberedflap maneuvering speed bugs on the airspeed display. Flap Extension ScheduleDuring flap extension, selection of the flaps to the next position flap transitionspeed should be made when approaching, and before decelerating below themaneuvering speed for the existing flap position.

The flap extension speedschedule is based upon VREF 40 and provides full maneuver capability or at least40 of bank 25 angle of bank and 15 overshoot to stick shaker at all weights. Delta uses 1, feet as thestandard flap retraction altitude. The altitude selected for acceleration and flap retraction may be specified for eachairport. Safety, obstruction clearance, airplane performance or noise abatementrequirements are usually the determining factors.

Acceleration Height - Engine OutAcceleration height for a takeoff with an engine failure after V1 is based onaccelerating to the recommended flaps up speed while retracting flaps andselecting maximum continuous thrust limits within 5 minutes 10 minutesoptional after initiating takeoff. Some combinations of high gross weight, takeoffflap selection and airport elevation may require initiating flap retraction as low as feet after takeoff with an engine failure. Flap Retraction after LandingThe Cold Weather Operations Supplementary Procedure defines how far the flapsmay be retracted after landing in conditions where ice, snow, or slush may havecontaminated the flap areas.

If the flap areas are found to be contaminated, theflaps should not be retracted until maintenance has cleared the contaminants. Removal of the contaminates is a maintenance function addressed in the AMM. TakeoffCommand speed remains set at V2 until changed by the FMC or pilot foracceleration and flap retraction. Sufficient wind and gust protection is available with the autothrottle engagedbecause the autothrottle is designed to adjust thrust rapidly when the airspeeddrops below command speed while reducing thrust slowly when the airspeedexceeds command speed.

In turbulence, the result is that average thrust is higherthan necessary to maintain command speed. This results in an average speedexceeding command speed. If the autothrottle is disengaged, or is planned to be disengaged prior to landing,the recommended method for approach speed correction is to add one half of thereported steady headwind component plus the full gust increment above the steadywind to the reference speed.

This technique provides sufficient low speed maneuvercapability and reduces the possibility of flap load relief activation. Margin to loadrelief activation may also be increased by using a reduced landing flap setting. Thefollowing table shows examples of wind additives with a runway heading of Match case Limit results 1 per page. Author doantuyen View Download See title page for details. OrganizationThe operations manual is organized in the following manner.

Volume 1 Preface - contains general information regarding the manuals purpose, structure, and content. An example of a page number for theManeuvers chapter follows: Example Page Number Warnings, Cautions, and NotesThe following levels of written advisories are used throughout the manual.

Revision RecordNo. Revision Date Date FiledNo. Chapter 1 - General Information Table of Contents1. Vertical Situation Display1. Head Up Display1. Assumed Temperature Method2. Improved Climb Performance Takeoff2. Flap Retraction Schedule2.

Initial Climb - One Engine Inoperative2. Flap Retraction - One Engine Inoperative2. Low Altitude Level Off3. Low Fuel Temperature3. Descent Speed Determination3. Mandatory Missed Approach4. AFDS Faults4. Visual Traffic Pattern4. Rejected Landing4. Chapter 5 - Maneuvers Table of Contents5.

Hydraulic System s Inoperative - Landing6.


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As a reminder, the Samsung dock connector is not the same as Apple's dock connector, as shown by this image. At this point, it appears that there are no more screws left to remove from the device. If you've been keeping score, you'll note that there are only five different size screws.

This is a nice change from some devices that use nearly as many just to hold the lower case in place. The speakers were held in place with some light adhesive, which we spudged right up! The speakers in the Note It's time for the moment of truth—when we find out if the LCD can be separated from the glass and digitizer.

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Cody Druid - Feb 12, Eva Margaretha Sinaga - Aug 29, Reply. Fix Your Stuff Community Store. Back Samsung Galaxy Note View the manual for the Samsung Galaxy Note This manual comes under the category Tablets and has been rated by 4 people with an average of a 7. This manual is available in the following languages: English. Do you have a question about the Samsung Galaxy Note Ask your question here.

Do you have a question about the Samsung and the answer is not in the manual? Provide a clear and comprehensive description of the problem and your question. The better your problem and question is described, the easier it is for other Samsung owners to provide you with a good answer. Can't find the answer to your question in the manual? Is your question not listed? Need help? Ask a question.

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When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Learn more. In this article we cover Safety 1st car seat installation and care, focusing on the best Safety 1st convertible car seats.

Safety 1st convertible car seats that were manufactured before January 1, have a 6-year expiration date. The convertible car seats manufactured after January 1, have a year expiration date. For most of the Safety 1st convertible car seat models, you can find the expiration date molded into the shell of the car seat.

For newer models, you can also find the expiration date in the instruction manual. Safety first 3-in-1 car seat manual : Safety 1st expiration format provided by Safety 1st. If you need more assistance, watch this short video to get a visual aid on how to install your Safety 1st convertible car seat in the rear-facing position using the LATCH system. Press down firmly on the car seat, and pull the seatbelt to tighten it and remove any excess slack.

If you need a visual aid, this video will demonstrate how to install your car seat in the forward-facing position using the LATCH system. For more assistance, this short video will demonstrate how to install your car seat in the forward-facing position using your vehicle seatbelt.

The same video used to demonstrate how to install a Safety 1st convertible seat in the rear-facing position using the LATCH system can be used to teach you how to adjust the harness straps on a Safety 1st convertible car seat.

Thread the harness strap through the guide hole on one side of the car seat. From the bottom safety first 3-in-1 car seat manual the seat, pull the harness /3186.txt down and across the seat.

Thread the harness strap back up into the seat cover. Make sure that the harness straps are equal. Slide 1 harness guide on each of the harness straps, and press the guides into the hole of the seat pad and shell. Make sure they snap into place. This video will show you how to reassemble safety first 3-in-1 car seat manual Safety 1st convertible car seat.

Remove the elastic hooks from the plastic clips located around the car seat. Remove the elastic straps from the plastic hooks located underneath the headrest.

Reattach the elastic hooks on the plastic clips located under the headrest. Reattach the elastic straps on the ссылка на продолжение hooks on the back of the car seat. Reattach the elastic hooks to the plastic clips located at the base of the car seat.

Reattach the elastic hooks to the plastic clips located around the car seat. This video will demonstrate how to remove and replace a Safety 1st convertible seat safety first 3-in-1 car seat manual. According to Safety 1stif your fabric is safety first 3-in-1 car seat manual, wash your car seat cover with cold water on a delicate cycle.

Tumble dry for 10 to 12 minutes on low heat. To wash your harness and buckle, use a damp, warm cloth and mild soap. DO NOT use bleach on your materials. Make sure everything is dried off thoroughly before you reinstall your car seat.

Check here for Safety 1st car seat нажмите чтобы перейти and manual. Check here for Safety 1st car seat replacement parts information.

Safety 1st Grow and Go vs Graco 4Ever. To contact me directly please click here. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Quick Navigation How long are Safety 1st convertible car seats good for? Where to find the Safety 1st convertible car seat expiration date? How to install a Safety 1st convertible car seat: rear-facing? How to install a Safety 1st convertible car seat: forward-facing?

How to adjust straps on a Safety 1st convertible car seat? How to put together a Safety 1st convertible car seat? How to remove a Safety 1st convertible car seat cover for washing? How to put Safety 1st convertible car seat cover back on? Safety first 3-in-1 car seat manual to clean Safety 1st convertible car seat? Safety 1st Car Seat Replacement Parts. How long are Safety 1st convertible car seats good for?

Place the car seat at the proper recline angle. Vehicle Safety first 3-in-1 car seat manual. Place your car seat at the proper recline angle. Wiggle the car seat to ensure the car seat is installed securely. For more assistance, check out this short video.

L ATCH. Loosely attach источник top tether to the tether anchor. Tighten the tether. Press down on the metal adjuster under the seat pad.

Pull the harness straps to loosen the harness. Rotate the QuickFit handles inward. Lift safety first 3-in-1 car seat manual headrest to your desired position.

Thread the harness straps through each buckle tongue. Thread the chest clip. Thread the harness straps through the slots in the headrest. Slide the harness straps onto the splitter plate. Raise the adjustable headrest. Remove the seat pad. Undo the elastic straps on the back of the car seat. Remove the headrest cover. Remove the seat covers on the side of the car seat. Place the seat covers back on the side of the car seat. Place the seat cover back on the headrest.

Place the seat pad back on the car seat. Safety 1st Car Seat Manual. Manual shift auto Webster. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

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These tools allow you to have geographical context when working with your video data. The video player includes standard video controls such as play, fast forward, rewind, step forward, step backward, jump to the beginning, or jump to the end of the video. You can zoom in to and roam a video while it is in play mode or in pause mode. Additional tools include capturing, annotating, and saving video bookmarks; capturing single video frames as images, and exporting video clips.

You can collect ground features of interest that are visible in the video player by marking them with a feature, which is also displayed on the map. Conversely, you can mark ground features in the map view, and the features are also displayed in the video player. You can save these points as a feature class and use them later for further analysis.

Video player with video footprint and point features displayed on the map. Creating video bookmarks is an important function for recording phenomena and features of interest when analyzing a video. You can collect video bookmarks in the different modes of playing a video, such as play, pause, fast-forward, and rewind. You can describe bookmarks in the Bookmark pane that opens when you collect a video bookmark.

You can only use videos that contain essential metadata in FMV. Professional-grade airborne video data collection systems generally collect the required metadata and encode it into the video file in real time. This data is readily input directly into the FMV application, either in live-streaming mode or from an archived file. Consumer-grade video collection systems often produce separate video data and metadata files that must be combined into a single FMV-compliant video file.

This process is performed in the software and is referred to as multiplexing. FMV provides the Video Multiplexer tool, which encodes proper metadata at the proper location of the video file to produce a single FMV-compliant video file. Each video and metadata file uses time stamps to synchronize the encoding of the proper metadata in the proper location in the video file.

The metadata is generated from appropriate sensors, such as GPS for x,y,z position, altimeter, and inertial measurement unit IMU , or other data sources for camera orientation.

The metadata file must be in the comma-separated values CSV format. The FMV metadata is used to compute the flight path of the video sensor, the video image frame center, and the footprint on the ground of the video image frames. All the MISB parameters that are provided will be encoded into the final FMV-compliant video, including more than 80 parameters, or a subset. One set of FMV parameters includes the map coordinates of the four corners of the video image frame projected to the ground.

If these four corner map coordinates are provided, they will be used. Otherwise, the tool will compute the video footprint from a subset of required parameters. When the metadata is complete and accurate, the tool will calculate the video frame corners, and thus the size, shape, and position of the video frame outline, which may then be displayed on a map. These 12 parameters comprise the minimum metadata required to compute the transform between video and map, to display the video footprint on the map, and to enable other functionality such as digitizing and marking on the video and the map.

A key element of this process is understanding the different parameters that come with the tool:. Understanding these parameters will allow you to make smart adjustments and get the most accurate output possible. Note that no deep learning approach will give you percent accurate results, but adjusting your model parameters and iterating through the process can optimize the accuracy of your model.

Below we will discuss the importance of each parameter a nd how to adjust the inputs based on your imagery and environment. The first parameter is the padding of the model. Padding is the border area from which the model will discard detections, as they tend to be of truncated buildings that span multiple tiles during inferencing. We stride over the padded region, so buildings that are discarded because they lie at the edge in one pass of the model inferencing, are detected in the second pass of the inferencing when they lie at the center of the tiles due to this striding.

This means that with the padding parameter being adjusted, the model will adjust the stride of each tile as it runs the inferencing workflow. For example, if we introduce a padding of 32 px pixels on a model that is inferencing px tiles, the model will stride the tile by 32 px inside the 4 edges of the tile.

If the centroid of the detected feature is within the padded tile, it will pass as a building in this example. I f you are new to deep learning , feel free to leave the default value of padding. In the graphic below, we are demonstrating how a padding of 64 px is treated while inferencing. For example, if the default is 32 px , try running the tool with paddings of 24 px and 16 px and compare the results.

Check the images below to see the output of a model run with a padding of 32 px in green vs 8 px in purple. Batch size is a term used in machine learning and refers to the number of image tiles the GPU can process at once while inferencing. The imagery is chopped up into tiles during inferencing, and the number of tiles the GPU can inference in one batch is called the batch size.

If you run into out-of-memory errors with the tool, you need to reduce the batch size. The batch size your computer can handle will depend on the GPU available in your machine. To determine the optimal batch size, you m ay need to run the tool a few times on a small geographical extent while monitoring your GPU metrics. Click the Classification Wizard button on the Imagery tab to open and dock the wizard.

The first page is the Configure page, where you set up your classification project. The parameters set here determine the steps and functionality available in the subsequent wizard pages. There are two options for the method you will use to classify your imagery. The outcome of the classification is determined without training samples.

Pixels or segments are statistically assigned to a class based on the ISO Cluster classifier. Pixels are grouped into classes based on spectral and spatial characteristics.

You provide the number of classes to compute, and the classes are identified and merged once the classification is complete. The outcome of the classification depends on the training samples provided. Training samples are representative sites for all the classes you want to classify in your image. These sites are stored as a point or polygon feature class with corresponding class names for each feature, and they are created or selected based on user knowledge of the source data and expected results.

All other pixels in the image are classified using the characteristics of the training samples. This is the default option. There are two options for the type of classification to use for both supervised and unsupervised classification. Classification is performed on a per-pixel basis, where the spectral characteristics of the individual pixel determines the class to which it is assigned. Characteristics of neighboring pixels are not considered in the pixel-based approach.

This is considered the more traditional classification method, and can result in a speckled effect in the classified image. Classification is performed on localized neighborhoods of pixels, grouped together with a process called segmentation. Segmentation takes into account both color and shape characteristics when grouping pixels into objects.

The objects resulting from segmentation more closely resemble real-world features and produce cleaner classification results.

A classification schema determines the number and types of classes to use for supervised classification. Schemas can be hierarchical, meaning there can be classes with subclasses. For example, you can specify a class of Forest with subclasses for Evergreen and Deciduous forests. A schema is saved in an Esri classification schema file. You can choose from the following options to specify the classification schema:. This is the workspace or directory that stores all of the outputs created in the Classification Wizard , including training data, segmented images, custom schemas, accuracy assessment information, and classification results.

All intermediate files created using the Classification Wizard are stored in the user temp directory. This is only an option if you selected Object based classification for Classification Type. If you have already created a segmented image, you can reference the existing dataset. Otherwise, you will create a segmented image as a step on the next page. If the segmented raster has not been created previously, it will be created before training the classifier.

This is a computer-intensive operation, and it may take a significant amount of time to create the segmented raster dataset. For large datasets, it is highly recommended that you create the segmented raster beforehand and specify it as an input when you configure your classification project. This is only an option if you selected Supervised for Classification Method.

You can create training samples using the Training Samples Manager pane in the Classification Tools drop-down list, or you can provide an existing training samples file. This can be either a shapefile or a feature class that contains your training samples, and it must correspond with the classification schema. The following field names are required in the training sample file:.

If you want to assess the accuracy of classified results, you need to provide a reference dataset. Reference data consists of features with a known location and class value, and it can be collected using a field survey, an existing class map or raster land base, or with higher-resolution imagery.

The results of your image classification will be compared with your reference data for accuracy assessment. The classes in your reference dataset need to match your classification schema. Reference data can be in one of the following formats: A raster dataset that is a classified image. A polygon feature class or a shapefile. The format of the feature class attribute table needs to match the training samples.

To ensure this, you can create the reference dataset using the Training Samples Manager tools. A point feature class or a shapefile. The format needs to match the output of the Create Accuracy Assessment tool.

If you are using an existing file and want to convert it to the appropriate format, use the Create Accuracy Assessment Points geoprocessing tool. Open source QGIS software does not limit which tools can be used. You could use the free trial of ET GeoWizards. QGIS is working on its geoprocessing framework which is already impressive. But in the end, you really are licensed to geoprocess in ArcGIS.

We all know you can engineer specialized analyses with plugins. Nearly of them. But what you may not have known is that ArcGIS has plugins too. There are paid and free solutions for almost any spatial problem you can think of. Esri has nailed every corner of the market including gardening. You have to understand how scalable and unique Esri is to solve your geospatial problem. ArcGIS raster-based tools are rock-solid.

The Spatial Analysis tools also offer specialized tools for groundwater, hydrology, and solar radiation. Other options are to filter reclass or extraction toolsets or simplify data generalization toolset. In QGIS, the raster calculator tool performs map algebra with a little less math and trigonometry functions.

QGIS has multiple ways to perform interpolation. GRASS r. QGIS wins for more filtering options. We could continue. But choose not to bore you. Have you ever tried to assemble furniture without the instruction manual? Practically impossible, right? When you run tools in the ArcGIS Geostatistics Toolbox, the instructions and output explanations are so clear that a child could understand the results. You know if your data is auto-correlated or not.

In QGIS, you need a good understanding of the tool beforehand. The exploratory regression tools in ArcGIS are well-made because the outputs allow users to connect statistics with their data.

This saves time for analysts. The columns are your statistics types average, minimum, variance, etc. Rows are categorical fields such as place names or watersheds. Add a value field and push calculate. Voila, your pivot table is generated. When you can make difficult concepts straight-forward, you become a winner in my book. And ArcGIS is best at teaching geostatistics.

Silently, satellites collect data of our planet with active and passive remote sensing. Satellites like Sentinel 2 and Landsat 8 are the exciting ones making data more ubiquitous to GIS analysts.

Some of these are like hand tools , like a chisel. Others are like power tools , like an electric drill. When ArcGIS 10 added the image analysis toolbar, it instantly provided remote sensing analysts with the necessary tools to create samples and perform unsupervised and supervised classification.

Pansharpen, perform NDVI , orthorectify and interactively change the brightness, contrast and transparency. It still gets the job done. A Guide to Earth Observation. In ArcGIS, flick on the network analyst switch. Add your data to a network data set. Building a clean topological road dataset is the challenge. When you run redundant tasks as a scheduled model, you can sit at home in your bathrobe all day long and still get work done.

You string together sets of tools in Model Builder to automate processes. Drop tools in your Model Builder Diagram and connect them. Automate everything. You will also be using a bunch of other modules as needed for different projects. It can be difficult to figure out what to use and where it all is. But QGIS is a viable option to create cartographic masterpieces.

It acts almost like another application. ArcGIS layout view is how to set up map templates and export map products. The ArcGIS layout view is practical. It has tools to pinpoint your labels, set up mapbooks, and link data frames with easy extent rectangles. ArcGIS is loaded with stunning symbology on startup. We like the symbology by discipline transportation, real estate, soils, weather, etc. The existing symbology in ArcMap is beautiful, useful and plentiful.

QGIS misses the beat on pre-existing choices. Life would be easier in QGIS if it came equipped with symbology like railways and hatched polygons. Keep in mind: you can download and load them to your symbology palette.

It has more blending options than a symbology bakery: lighten, screen, dodge, addition, darken, multiply, burn, overlay, soft light, hard light, and difference. You can create simple gradients with two or multiple colors.

Add the different types-linear, radial, conical. You no longer have to write an RGB code again. QGIS has some really advanced symbology. ArcGIS is practical and puts symbols in the hands of the cartographer. Both are winners in my books.

Gain full control of exactly how and where you want to label features. Set label location and scale dependency. Curved and parallel labeling is easy in ArcGIS. The drawing toolbar is how to control annotation groups in ArcGIS. Make a separate toolbar for annotations. But with a little practice, you can control which annotation group labels belong to. It is your complete arsenal for automated map production. The index layer is used to create each page. The Cartographer Toolbox is how to create strip maps.

If your map spans multiple projections, use the Calculate UTM zone tool. For each geometry in the coverage layer, a new output will be generated.

Fields associated with this geometry can be used within text labels. A page will be generated for each feature. ArcGlobe and ArcScene are stand-alone programs using the 3D analyst extension. These applications give you a chance like no other to enter a world in 3D.

ArcScene is for small study area scenes. Extrude objects with amazing vertical exaggeration. Z-factor is your friend. ArcGlobe is for data that spans the whole globe.

Make your data come to life. Perform wicked fly-throughs. QGIS lacks decent 3D support. The Qgis2threejs plugin can catapult you in three dimensions.

The Qgis2threejs plugin exports terrain data, map canvas image and vector data to your web browser. Web maps are on the uptrend.

The news industry, governments, and businesses are using web maps because they tell a story. Web mapping is easy in ArcGIS. A cool trend are ArcGIS story maps because everyone has a story to tell. With ArcGIS, you can harness the power of maps to tell yours. Watch polar ice caps melt over time. Display global time-aware weather patterns. ArcGIS makes it an easy process to go from static to dynamic with its animation toolbar. When you have a time-enabled field, scroll the time slider left-to-right.

Watch your data change over time. A little preparation is necessary but nothing too painful. Export as an AVI and impress your boss. Using time controls, you animate vector features based on time attributes.



Deep Learning with ArcGIS Pro Tips & Tricks: Part 1.

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See page Page 5: Quick Reference To Controls Quick reference to controls Digital display see page 4 Function buttons Press to select the function displayed just above each button.

Functions change depending on the task. Battery holder see page 11 Temperature buttons Press to adjust temperature Press to select Auto or On. Heat and cool settings must be at least 3 degrees apart.

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